Keswick Family Eyecare
76 Arlington Dr Keswick ON L4P 0A9 (905) 476-7978
Cataract Exam & Management

Seeing Through the Haze: Understanding Cataracts

Most of us can recognise a cataract on sight. We see a cloudy, somewhat milky looking eye and we know that eye has a cataract. But what does a cataract look like from the inside, and how serious is the problem? At Keswick Family Eyecare, we’re happy to walk you through cataracts or any other eye issue you might be experiencing.

What Are Cataracts & How Do They Happen?

As we age the proteins in the ocular lens start to change structure, or denature. This causes the lens to become increasingly cloudy. The cloudy lens is called a cataract, and though it is not painful, it can blur and dull our vision.

Am I at Risk of Developing Cataracts?

Realistically, everyone has some chance of experiencing cataracts. On a long enough timeline, almost everyone will develop cataracts. However, there are a few things that increase your risk of developing cataracts.

  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Aging
  • Overexposure to UV rays
  • Family history of cataracts

Symptoms of Cataracts

Despite the fact that cataracts are painless, there are some symptoms a patient might notice during the development of cataracts. Colours may start to fade or turn yellow, while the quality of a patient’s vision becomes less and less clear.
Many people report sensitivity to light, experiencing a significant increase in instances of glare, or halos around lights. This is particularly true at night, or in low light environments. Patients with cataracts find the need to update their glasses or contact prescription frequently to accommodate their changing vision.

Curing Cataracts With Surgery

Once a cataract has gotten to the point that a prescription no longer helps, removing the cataract with surgery is really the only option. This surgery is quite simple, taking only about 15 minutes, but completely restoring sight to the eye in question.

Using a small ultrasonic device, the ophthalmologist performing the surgery will break up the cloudy lens in your eye. They’ll then suction out the pieces, removing your natural lens. Once the natural lens is completely gone, they’ll insert an artificial intraocular lens (also called an IOL) through a small incision in the side of your eye. This IOL functions just like a natural lens would, only without the possibility of developing a cataract.

If you have cataracts in both eyes, the surgeon will perform two separate surgeries: one for each eye. This ensures one eye is healed and recovering properly before correcting the other eye.

Premium IOLs

Any standard IOL will work to restore clarity to the eye. However, there are a number of premium IOLs with additional features. For example, multifocal IOLs correct both distance and near vision, allowing the patient to live not only cataract free but glasses free! Contact us to discuss whether cataract surgery is right for you, and which premium IOLs are available to make your life better.

Visit Our Practice - We'd Love to Meet You

We're located on Arlington Drive, just off Woodbine Avenue next to Dominos Pizza


76 Arlington Drive, Unit 17
Keswick, ON L4P 0A9

Contact Number

Toll Free: 905.476.7978

Hours of Operation

Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Lunch Closure

Mondays: 12pm to 1pm
Saturdays: 12pm to 12:30pm
Tuesdays: 11:30am to 1pm (first Tuesday of each month)

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