Keswick Family Eyecare
76 Arlington Dr Keswick ON L4P 0A9 (905) 476-7978

Keswick Family Eyecare: Taking Care of Your Changing Vision With Seniors’ Eye Exams

There’s a number of health aspects you need to keep track of as you age, and eyes are no exception. Ageing eyes are vulnerable to a number of diseases and conditions, not to mention good old fashioned refractive errors like myopia and presbyopia.

At Keswick Family Eyecare, we’re ready and willing to give you all the information you need to take proper care of your eyes. After all, keeping an eye on your eye health is what we do; pun definitely intended.

Common Eye Diseases and Conditions in Seniors

Don’t be surprised if your stalwart eyes eventually start struggling with small print or low light. There are many ways to compensate for refractive errors, and calculating your prescription is all part of the exam process.

As we age, the proteins in the ocular lens change structure. This change causes the lens to become cloudy. The cloudy lens is called a cataract. Cataracts are painless, but they can blur and dull vision. The cure for cataracts is a relatively simple surgery which replaces the cloudy lens with an implant called an intraocular lens or an IOL.

The macula is a small area of the retina which is responsible for central vision. When fatty deposits called drusen or blood from damaged blood vessels obscure the macula, it’s called age-related macular degeneration or AMD. This disease causes irreparable damage, so early detection is key to preventing vision loss.

Often called “the silent thief of sight”, glaucoma results from higher than average intraocular pressure or IOP. The damage glaucoma causes is usually painless and asymptomatic; making eye exams the only way to detect it before experiencing serious and permanent vision loss.

Our Seniors’ Eye Exams

We want you to feel confident in the care you’re receiving; that’s why we spend extra time with our patients, answering their questions and making sure they understand what we’re looking for.

We’ll go through a series of tests to determine your acuity, eye teaming, and the level of any refractive errors you may have. We’ll also perform a few tests to look for any indicators of disease or sight-impacting conditions.

How Often Do I Need an Eye Exam?

You should have an eye exam every year. This allows us to properly monitor your eye health, and document any progression in symptoms you may be experiencing. Some factors, like diabetes, put you more at risk of certain eye diseases. In these cases, your doctor may recommend having your eyes examined more frequently.

Update Your Style at Our Dispensary

Just because you’re a senior doesn’t mean you don’t want to be seen. New glasses are an excellent way to make a unique and personal style statement. We carry an amazing selection of frames from top name brands. High fashion and high tech function come together in our dispensary. Take a look at all the stunning brands we carry or visit us today to start trying on frames.

Visit Our Practice - We'd Love to Meet You

We're located on Arlington Drive, just off Woodbine Avenue next to Dominos Pizza


76 Arlington Drive, Unit 17
Keswick, ON L4P 0A9

Contact Number

Toll Free: 905.476.7978

Hours of Operation

Monday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Lunch Closure

Mondays: 12pm to 1pm
Saturdays: 12pm to 12:30pm
Tuesdays: 11:30am to 1pm (first Tuesday of each month)

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